Last year Ben and I placed membership with the Falls Church Church of Christ because we were looking for a church to attend. Since that time we have been regular attendees at Sunday morning church, but admittedly missed a few Sundays here and there. We rarely stayed after service to mingle, never attended any of the social gatherings and bascially were not super involved with the church. Although people came up to introduce themselves week after week, we often times did not remember names or faces.
When the church found out were were expecting Everett they planned a shower for him after his birth. We had that shower yesterday at 4 p.m. before evening service. I was hesistant about the whole thing since I felt like we did not really know anyone or been all that involved. I almost felt guilty about it.... but there was a committee of women planning the event and they seemed excited. I was worried we would show up yesterday and it would only be Ben, myself, Everett and my mom (she came up from Williamsburg because I thought we needed more people to attend!). When we walked in there was about 35 women who had taken time out of their schedule to show up on a Sunday afternoon and shower us with gifts for Everett. We could not believe all the wonderful gifts we received, it was overwhelming! Everyone was so generous and excited about our new son. It was a wonderful feeling.
When Ben and I were driving home we thought how wonderful it was that we have found such a great church family. We were amazed at how people who literally do not know us at all would take the time to buy gifts for our son and show up to celebrate him. I thought to myself that I would never have shown up on a Sunday afternoon for a shower at church for someone I did not know. Now that we have been extended such kindness I can only hope to return the favor down the road. I hope we can teach Everett the same lesson and that he grows up to be a caring and compassionate person.