Saturday, October 31, 2009

Beware of Dinosaurs!

Halloween has just come to an end and we had the best time with the boys today. I feel so blessed to have them in my life, they are so much fun! Yesterday, I took the boys to the park in their costumes and there is nothing cuter than dinosaurs on swings. Today we took the boys to a halloween neighborhood parade and then took Everett trick or treating- Rollin tagged along in the bjorn. Everett was such a cute little guy at each house, saying "knock knock" and then only taking one piece of candy (he has remarkable self restraint, unlike his mother), and then saying thank you. It was quite possibly the cutest thing I have ever seen. We visited about 12 houses and he was so very proud of his pumpkin filled with candy. Here are some cute pictures of our TRex and Triceratops. Love them to pieces. We also had a nice visit from Aunt Abby and Uncle Steve, and Ben and I actually got to go out to eat without the boys and had a great time with them. Tomorrow morning we have a family fun run 5k at the National Arboretum- hopefully that will help me run off some of this Halloween candy!

Rice Cereal

When we returned home from Emily and Matt's wedding, we decided to give Rollin rice cereal for the first time. He LOVED it! He is such a good little boy, so easy going and fun loving. Here are is a cute picture of our happy camper!

Emily and Matt's Wedding!!

Emily and Matt had a fabulous wedding down in Debordieu, South Carolina the weekend of October 17, 2009. We flew down to Charleston and the boys were excellent on the flight (Rollin's 1st flight ever!). Everett thought it was such a big deal to be on an airplane and of course Rollin just slept and ate the whole ride. The wedding weekend was wonderful, we got to see so many extended family members and great friends, it truly was a great event. Of course the happy couple was so excited the whole time and the ceremony was just beautiful, right on the beach. We are so happy to have Matt join the famiy! Here are some pictures of the fun event!

Friday, October 9, 2009

My Big Guy!

Yesterday, we took Rollin to his four month appointment and it turns out, he is a chunky monkey just like his brother. He weighed in at 16 lbs, 14 ozs and was 26 1/2 inches long. That put him in the 90% and 95%. He continues to be the world's easiest baby, we can barely believe it. Each night he sleeps at least 10 hours straight, never fusses and is always smiling. Here is a quick video of him laughing. He is the light of our life!