Everett started school last week (cue tears from mommy) and he loves it so far! He is attending Resurrection Luthern Preschool on Tuesdays and Thursday mornings from 9:15 a.m.-noon. He plays a lot, then eats a snack, then plays some more and is learning to make friends and be social (not that he needs ANY help in that area!). The school is only a mile or so from the house, so Rollin and I drop him off and then head to a Monkey Business class with just the two of us (which I love!), and then turn right around it seems to pick him up. I am hoping this is the start of a life long love of school and learning for Everett. Here are some pictures of his first day, and his first trip to McDonalds for lunch after his first day. Love him so much and am constantly searching for a way to stop time so he will be young forever.