Monday, October 3, 2011

My Little Superheros

Halloween is fast approaching, one of my all time favorite since having the boys. They are so cute about decorating and want to have a very spooky house. Everytime we go to the store I end up buying another Halloween decoration, but it is such fun to see the excitement on their faces. We are having our annual Halloween party again this year and the boys are SO thrilled. We already have our costumes-- and here is a picture of my three little superheros-- Batman, Wonderwoman and Spiderman. Love these kids!

One Month Appointment

Last week Ruby turned one month!! Hard to believe how quickly the time has gone. She had her first appointment with Dr. Barakat and Everett came with me and was such a big boy helper-- ever since Everett stopped napping (which was the week we took Ruby home!) we have gotten to spend lots of time together in the afternoons, he is such a sweet boy, although I still think he needs a nap once in a while. Of course, he is now a "big boy" and fights even the thought of a nap! We learned at Ruby's appointment that she is a very in propotion girl-- 75% in all her stats. She weighed in at 9 lbs, 15 oz, 21 1/2 inches long and her head was 15 even. Here is a picture of our sweet girl.