Thursday, November 8, 2012
My Beauty
I am not one to brag, but when it comes to my kids, hey, I will! Ruby Alice is simply beautiful, no? I cannot believe how much I love her.
Ten Year Wedding Anniversary
Time moves too fast, that is certain. Ben and I celebrated our ten year anniversary on 11/2/12. We spent the weekend in Vegas with my sisters and their husbands which was fabulous. We had a wonderful weekend eating yummy dinners, lounging at the spa and just spending time together- it was wonderful. I don't often express how much Ben means to me and I don't want to get too gushy here on this blog, but honestly, he is the best decision I ever made. I could not ask for a better husband, partner and most important of all father for my children. Being married to him is just easy, and wonderful, and engaging and simply perfect. I cannot wait to spend another 10 years with him. I love you, Ben.
Halloween 2012
Ruby started walking the week before Halloween, of course when I was in Dublin all week on a work retreat. Ben of course got it on video, which I guess will have to do! This year we had our annual Halloween party at our house for all the kids friends to come dressed up and spend time playing and eating lots of cupcakes and treats. This year, unlike last, was warm so we moved the party outside which was a perfect venue. The kids had a blast and are really loving this yearly tradition. The boys of course had a super adorable parade at school (they were so proud!) and they worked hard on carving their pumpkins with daddy). On Halloween itself our good friends the Picco family came over to trick or treat with us and Grammy and Pap Pap came up for the day as well! We had an amazing time. I often remark to Ben that nothing is cuter than kids trick or treating. How did I get so blessed?
Here is a picture of my Optimus Prime, Ladybug and Captain America! Love these three.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Back to School 2012
Everett and Rollin started back to school this week! Everett is in the 4s and Rollin is in the 3s class. They were so excited to see their new teachers and old friends. We are so blessed we found a great school for them to attend- Resurrection Luthern Weekday Preschool. First Day pictures are below!
Dutch Wonderland- Labor Day Weekend 2012
We spent three days in Lancaster, Pa over Labor Day weekend with Aunt Abby, Uncle Steve and cousin Hannah! We had a fabulous time touring around PA dutch country- we spent lots of time at the pool, at Dutch Wonderland and riding the rails at the Strasberg Railroad. A great family weekend!
Miss Ruby Alice Turns 1!!
Our sweet little lady, Miss Ruby Alice, turned 1 year old on August 31! We can hardly believe how quickly this year has gone. We feel truly blessed to have such an amazing addition to our family- she is sassy, sweet and quite honestly, the most adorable little person in the entire world. She had her appointment with Dr. Barakat and her stats are: 22.4 lbs, 29 1/2 inches long- 75% for both. Love her!
Monday, August 6, 2012
Potty Training
Who potty-trained themself in one day? Rollin did. Amazing. Amazing. Could not have been easier- thank you Rollin :)
Father's Day 2012
We celebrated the world's greatest dad on Father's Day with pool time and church- no better way to spend time together. Ben, I am thankful for you each and every day. Thank for all that you do for us! We love you!
Rollin's Birthday Party
Rollin had a wonderful 3rd birthday party at Clemyjontri park in Mclean, Virginia. Of course it was a superhero theme for my little superhero. He has a fabulous time! Here are some photos!
Summertime Fun
I cannot believe how quickly the summer is going or how long it has been since I posted on our family blog. The kids and us have had a wonderful summer so far. Long days at the pool, at the park, traveling to Williamsburg to see Grammy and Pap Pap, a fun family reunion in Rocky Gap, Maryland and a lot of time just hanging out eating ice cream on the front porch. The boys have been taking swim lessons all summer and Everett has improved so much! He can now swim by himself, even in the deep end. Rollin is also doing well, but still prefers to be with mommy or daddy in the water. Ruby is now 11 months (wow!), and is crawling all over and recently started standing on her own. We think it will only be a short time more and our baby will be walking! We are very much looking forwa
rd to our annual trip to Pawleys Island next week with our extended family. Here are some photos of the kids and our summertime fun.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
My Sweet Rollin Vincent Turns Three!
You continue to inspire and amaze us each day! We love you!! Daddy, Mommy, Everett and Ruby
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Kite Festival
Each year we go to the National Kite Festival at the Washington Monument- one of the many, many reasons I LOVE living in DC- there is always 100,000 things to do with the kids- a festival, a musuem, a park, cultural events, it is neverending. The Kite Festival is one of our favorites.
Easter Weekend
Ruby's 1st Easter was super special because Aunt Emily, Uncle Matt and cousin Brock came from Pittsburgh to celebrate. We had a fabulous time all weekend. We colored eggs, went to an Easter festival at Butler's Orchard and of course the Bunny came on Easter morning with lots of good treats for the kids. Here are some pictures of our fun weekend!
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Amelia Island 2012

Well my parents up and left us for Amelia Island for the winters :( Although we are very sad they are far away now, at least we have a wonderful place to visit each spring! We packed up all the kids and hopped on a flight and went to sunny FLA for a week. The flight went great and the boys and Ruby Alice had a wonderful week with my parents. Ben and I ever stole away for a day at the spa the Ritz and out for dinner one night- it was just what we needed! My parents planned so many fun things for the kids- we went to the beach, downtown Fernandina Beach, to the Fort and to yummy dinners. Here are some pictures of our trip, which we hope to make annually.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Six Month Appointment

Miss Ruby is officially six months old, which seemed to have gone way too fast. She is such a bubbly, fun, sweet, lively little lady and we cannot believe how much we love her and how happy we are that she is a part of our family. She melts my heart on a daily basis. Ruby is very healthy and strong and her stats prove it. She weighs in at an impressive 17.5 lbs (75%) and is 27 inches long (95%). I love this little girl so much and cannot wait to see her grow up.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Ahoy There Mateys!
Feliz Cumpleanos Mimi!
Last night after dinner the boys and I made Mimi a birthday cake to celebrate her 51st birthday! She has so much energy (way more than me!), so it is hard to believe she is in her 50s. The boys were so excited to sing Happy Birthday to Mimi in Spanish when he walked through the door this morning. Mimi is such an amazing person and a trusted member of our family, I am not certain what I would do without her. I guess I will find out this fall when after 18 years Mimi returns to her native Bolivia to be reunited for her family, most notably, her daughter who she has not seen since she left Bolivia so many years ago. There will be a hole in our hearts when she departs, she has been the best thing for our children. Without her they would not be as kind, caring or compassionate and definately not bi-lingual! We love you Mimi!
My Little Piccaso
Having three little ones to juggle leaves limited time for one-on-one interaction with each of them. I love my hours spent with just one of the kids, or two of them at a time. I am more relaxed and can enjoy them more, which I absolutely love. I feel extremely fortunate that I have such a flexible job and an amazing nanny that allows me to carve out child specific time with each of these little people. On Monday afternoons, I pick the boys up from school and take them to lunch. I love our standing Monday lunch dates where we typically go to Subway (the boys request!) or Cosi and sit and talk about their morning at school. They are so fun at these lunches and I think they enjoy that I can actually talk to them without holding or nursing Ruby at the same time! On Tuesday mornings, Rollin and I take Everett to school, and then head to Starbucks together (Ruby stays with Mimi), and he always orders a chocolate milk and a banana and chocolate chip coffee cake. I love my Tuesday morning Starbucks run with Rollie. After our pitstop we head to the senior center for Abrakadoodle class. Rollin LOVES art and is so expressive. We spend an hour making a craft and just "being." It is heaven. Here is a picture of my little Piccaso. I cannot wait until Ruby is older and we can steal away for some girltime :)
Monday, January 30, 2012
Ruby and Hannah
Four Years Ago
This past weekend we celebrated Everett's 4th birthday with a party at the National Zoo. We had family come in for the big party and of course lots of friends attended as well. It was such fun to see Everett so excited for his party and on getting older. When I expressed my sadness in him getting older while putting him to bed, he hugged me and said "mommy, don't be sad, I will always be your baby." This melted my heart. I am so amazed at what a loving, kind and generous little boy he is becoming. Ben and I always say "Everett has such a good heart." I am so proud of him and am so proud to be his mommy. I wish I could keep him little forever, but as I know that is not realistic I will be glad that I get to have him in my life for a short while. Pretty soon Ben and I will not be the most important people in his life, but he will always be the most important person in mine.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Four Months Old!!

Miss Ruby had her 4 month appointment on Tuesday of this week and she is growing like a weed! Her head and weight (14 lbs, 6 oz) put in the 75% and her height (16 and 1/2 inches) in the 90%! A big girl, just like her brothers. She also started on rice ceral this week, which we quickly learned she does not like. I was concerned she was just not ready for food, however, at the suggestion of our doctor, we gave her bananas last night for the first time and she could NOT get it off the spoon fast enough. She continues to make us smile each day and we love her more every minute it seems. Here is a picture of her trying her rice ceral for the first time.
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