Monday, April 28, 2008

Lets Get Physical!

Yesterday I ran my first race (the GW Parkway Classic in Alexandria, VA) since having Everett and it was great to get back out there! Of course I have not been running as much as I used to before he arrived, but I signed up for this race when he was born as motivation to get back in shape. I am still working on getting back in shape (a much harder process than I thought!), but I was pretty happy with my 5k time of 28:43....not too shabby and under my goal time of 30 minutes. Knowing that Ben and Everett were at the finish line helped me run a little faster too :)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Everett's First Vacation

Last week we took Everett on his first vacation! It was a week of firsts, as it was the first time he was in a new state, first time on a plane, first time staying in a hotel and first time seeing the beach! We went to Ponte Verde Beach outside of Jacksonville. We had a wonderful time, had excellent weather and spent lots of time visiting with family. Emily and Matt spent lots of time with us and spoiled Everett rotten. We also had the very special treat of having Everett's twin cousin Amelia come all the way from Orlando! Amelia, her mommy Monica (Ben's cousin), her daddy Jason and Uncle Guy and Aunt Maria made the trip. It was so much fun having the babies "meet" each other! They are both simply adorable. Here are some photos of our trip!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Play Ball!

We took Everett to his first ever professional sporting event on Thursday night at the Nationals vs. the Marlins at the new Nationals Stadium in Washington, D.C. He loved it! Of course he was more interested in all the lights than the action on the field, but he was such a good boy the whole time and we think we got him interested in becoming a professional baseball player :) Here are some photos of the game.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Tummy Time!

Here is a video of Everett doing tummy time, which he does not really like, but the doctor said was important. Everett has been doing this funny expression with his eyes lately as well, and I caught a picture of it yesterday. He is very funny :)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Two Month Appointment

Everett just had his two month appointment and is getting so big! His measurements were 13 lbs, 9 oz., 25 inches long and 16 head circumference. He is in the 90% in weight, the 97% in height and the 75% in head size. He is getting chubbier by the minute it seems. He continues to be an amazing baby and slept seven hours straight last night, which was a record for him so far! We have been having such fun these past few weeks. We have been busy with baby yoga, stroller strides and yesterday Everett saw his first movie with Gabriel Taylor, "21," and it was pretty easy with him! This weekend we are going to hit the Cherry Blossom festival downtown DC, Ben and I are going to a wedding (Everett will have his first time with a baby sitter) and a baptism-- busy, busy, busy :)