Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Two Month Appointment

Everett just had his two month appointment and is getting so big! His measurements were 13 lbs, 9 oz., 25 inches long and 16 head circumference. He is in the 90% in weight, the 97% in height and the 75% in head size. He is getting chubbier by the minute it seems. He continues to be an amazing baby and slept seven hours straight last night, which was a record for him so far! We have been having such fun these past few weeks. We have been busy with baby yoga, stroller strides and yesterday Everett saw his first movie with Gabriel Taylor, "21," and it was pretty easy with him! This weekend we are going to hit the Cherry Blossom festival downtown DC, Ben and I are going to a wedding (Everett will have his first time with a baby sitter) and a baptism-- busy, busy, busy :)

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