Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter in Williamsburg

Hello Everyone! We had a wonderful Easter weekend in Williamsburg at Grammy and Pap Pap's house. It was a full house as Jenni and all three girls and Matt, Emily and baby to be Brock also joined in on the fun. We had a wonderful baby shower for Emily at the Williamsburg Lodge and the kids went on a Easter Egg Hunt and colored eggs and we had a nice time at church and lovely brunch afterwards. The boys could not get enough of their cousins, it was wonderful to see them having so much fun together and makes me sad everyone lives so far apart, we will just have to make the most out of our limited time together. Here are some photos of our weekend. Love to all- Mandy

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Spring Time!

Spring is officially upon us in D.C. but it sure does not feel like it outside. It has been cold, rainy and dreary most days, but there are beautiful moments of sunshine which make our day. We have been so busy the past few months. Everett has started up soccer again on Saturday mornings and we have been having fun on the weekends doing various spring activities-- kite festival, seeing the Cherryblossoms, going on nature hikes and spending as much time as we can outside. We took our annual trip to the Circus as well which the boys loved. We are looking forward to spending Easter in Williamsburg when Emily, Matt and baby Reinert will be coming and Jenni and the girls. We cannot wait to spend some time with family. Here are some pictures of our little men and what they have been up to lately!