Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Pawleys Island 2009

We just returned from a week at Pawleys Island and we had the best vacation. We were blessed with beautiful weather each day and got to spend lots of time with our family. Everett was so excited to play with his cousins, he thought they were simply the best. Rollin loved the beach too, although we could not bring him down very long each day (only about an hour) because it was just too hot in the sun for that little man. Everett loved the ocean, he would run into the waves not having a care in the world, it never scared him. He slept like a champ too, wish I could say the same for Rollin :) He wanted to see mommy every hour in the middle of the night it seemed. The 9 hour car trip was not that bad either, so overall a wonderful trip. I hope the boys love going there each year and want to continue the tradition with their own kids someday. Here are some pictures from our trip.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

Transportation Junkie

Everett is absolutely OBSESSED with trucks, buses and airplanes. He of course is our first experience with having a little boy, but I think his love for these things surpasses his peers. When we are driving and see a truck or bus or plane, he will hoot and holler and point his finger. When we are at the park and a plane flies overhead (which is ALL the time since our close proximity to National Airport), he will stop whatever he is doing, and point to the sky and try to get all the kids attention to look as well (they of course are not interested and ignore him)-- it is possibly the cutest thing to date that he does and we love it. I need to get a video of him doing it and post it soon! Love that kids.

One Month Birthday!

We can hardly believe that five weeks ago Rollin was born and became such an important member of our family. Rollin is doing excellent, he is such a good baby- so content (unless he is HUNGRY!) and so far a great sleeper! Everett is adjusting so well to life as a big brother, he loves Rollin, gives him kisses and hugs all the time, but sometimes will give him a bite or two when he is feeling jealous :) I am having such fun being at home with the boys, thankfully my mom was here for a month helping me. This past week was my first week "alone" with the boys and it was not nearly as hard as I had thought! Of course we have our moments when both boys are having their meltdowns at the same time, but overall, we are having a great time. We go to the park each day, for long walks, and read lots of stories and generally just spend lots of time together. I love it, I hope they do too.

Rollin had his one month appointment and his stats were 9 lbs, 3 oz., 22 inches and head size of 14 3/4. That put him at 50% for weight, 80% for height and 15% for head size.