Thursday, October 30, 2008

Big Guy!

Well yesterday we confirmed what we have always known is true, Everett is a big boy! He had his nine month appointment yesterday (wow how time flies) and weighed in at 25lbs (95%) and is 29 3/4 in. long (90%). He was not too happy about his shots or his finger prick, but quickly got over it (he is easily distracted!). At least now I can feel better that it is not becuase I am super old that my back kills me after spending the day with him! Poor Grammy had to see a massage therapist three times after watching him for the weekend. We cannot believe how quickly the past nine months have gone. Everett has changed our life so much for the better, he is our joy and inspiration. We love seeing his shiny happy chubby face when we get him up in the morning. We look forward to what each coming day brings and we are so happy he is our little (I mean big) boy.

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