Thursday, October 7, 2010

Rollin's Congential Ptosis Surgery

As many of you know Rollin has had a few surgerical procedures in his short life of 16 months. This past October marked the fourth time poor Rollie V was put under general anesthesia, this time to correct his bi-lateral (both eyes), congential ptosis with what is called a Frontalis Sling Procedure. We went to Dr. William Madigan at Children's National Medical Center in DC for the surgery. The entire surgery took three hours and the result is pretty amazing. Of course we are only three day post-op, but he can finally see out of both eyes much better. He has to wear eye shields around the clock (even while sleeping- which is proving difficult), and we have to put medicine in his eyes three/four times a day as well (which he does not like). Other than that, he does not appear to be in any pain and has not needed anything stronger than tylenol which he only got twice after surgery. He is not sleeping well- but that always happens after surgery-typically he is back to his good old sleeping self about four weeks after each surgery, hopefully that is the case this time! I will update with more pictures as his healing progresses, but here are some ones the day of surgery (one with Daddy pre-op, one after he got his "happy juice" pre-op and two post-op as we were leaving the hospital). Love this kid so much!

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